We utilize three components of Discipleship:
Part 1: Faithfulness Part 2: Fellowship Part 3: Leadership
- Part one of discipleship is growing in our faithfulness to God. One way we do this is through our Sunday Worship where we gather and offer God our thanks and praise. While we are led by our pastor, choir, and elders, worship takes place on the stage of all our hearts. Come and express this holy privilege of giving God thanks!
- Part two of disciples is being a part of the fellowship. Whether you join a small group, serve on a committee, join the choir or the handbells, or just come to the special events, we believe that fellowship is integral to the development of Discipleship. It allows for integrity, compassion, accountability, and spiritual growth as we travel together in community.
- Part three of Discipleship is developing our leadership. Not everyone is called to every kind of leadership. But, as Disciples of Christ, we affirm the "Priesthood of All Believers." This means that, as a believer, you carry the gospel with you at all times. This pushes us to lead others as we develop our own gifts and abilities. Some will serve as Elders, some will serve as Deacons, some will serve as Board Members, and still others will serve as Cabinet Chairs.
You might ask yourself-- how do I become a leader or how do I find opportunities to serve? Well, it all depends.
We have four different outlets with which we have leadership at our church. All of which are elected by what we know as the Nominating Committee. Someone once asked, "How do I get elected to be an Elder?" The answer: Be an Elder, and the calling will follow. If you find that you want to lead in certain areas of the church, it's a great start to begin exemplifying the leadership you desire to serve. Then, in the early part of the year, the nominating committee gathers (selected by the previous year's nominating committee, along with 2 representatives from the Eldership and Deaconship) and prays, calls, and places the leadership of the church in place for the following Church Year.
See below for more information on the different kinds of leadership at HCC.