to Highlands Christian Church!
We are so glad you stopped by our webpage to learn more about us! Feel free to browse our website, but be sure and check out below if you are planning to visit us on a Sunday morning. It will have information about times and services, what our worship looks like, what kind of music we sing, how communion looks during the service, and more!
Sunday Morning Schedule:
The What? The When? and The Why?
9:30 AM Fellowship 15
This is a time where folks gather near the kitchen in the fellowship hall. Coffee and Donuts (and frequently some other yummy treats as well!) are provided. We simply gather, catch up on life, and share the joys of fellowship with one another. All age ranges hang out during this time.
9:45 AM Sunday School
We have a variety of options for Sunday School. Click HERE to see the different class options we have for you and your family.
11:00 AM Worship
This is the time we gather collectively once again in the sanctuary. You will be greeted at the doors and, if visiting for the first time, be given a small gift bag that gives you some goodies along with some information about our church and community. Our worship service is “classic” in style, and moved by God’s Spirit. We sings hymns, pray for each other and the world, celebrate Communion, and listen for the Word of God. We embrace and celebrate the liturgical calendar with special services during these important seasons.
Worship is all about each of us expressing our trust and gratitude to God. Our community is a gathering of people who believe God is at work in their lives through Jesus Christ, and for this we are thankful. We meet on Sunday mornings to thank God in multiple ways, and we find value in doing this together. Below are some frequently asked questions about our style of worship. Feel free to ask your neighbor or the pastors, as we would love to share our traditions with you.
Often people wonder why "classic" churches have songs that are so wordy. Each hymn is written much like a poem. Some are ancient and others were created just a few years ago. The gift that hymns bring to worship is a language rooted in the earliest days of the Church to express our gratitude, confess our need for God, and uplift all of the emotions and complexities of life all while doing our best to keep with modern styles of music and worship.
The "Gloria Patri" is sung each week following the Lord's Prayer. This is one of the earliest praise songs after Jesus founded His Church.The "Doxology" is sung after we collect the morning's offering. This too is an ancient song that has been sung to God by Christians for centuries.
The robes are a reminder to the church that those who lead us in worship are supposed to point all of our attention to Christ and not to themselves. Robes are used to cover up as much of the leader, so that our attention is on what our worship leaders say and do in the name of Jesus, and not on their clothing or body. However, there is a time of the year (typically mid-June to the 1st of September) that we won't wear robes. The Texas heat is sometimes just too much. During this time of year, the Pastors will still wear what are called Stoles that signify the weight of carrying the message of the Gospel.
We encourage families to worship together, but the reality is sometimes kids want to experience their church friends in ways that won't include praying, singing, and listening. All children are invited forward for the Children's Moment toward the beginning of worship. After that some kids go and sit with their parents, while others are escorted to our nursery (children below the 2nd grade) which is staffed by a licensed childcare professional.
Communion (the act done in community), also known as the Lord's Supper (the story) and the Eucharist (the symbols), is a reenactment of the last gathering Jesus had with his disciples before he faced the cross. We believe this time of remembrance is central for our growth in faith and for our worship experience. This symbolic meal is known as a "sacrament" which means that it was given to us by Jesus. We believe its importance and holiness is beyond measure and is central to the worship and faith of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
All are welcome and invited to share in Communion. After the Pastor and two Elders lead us in the story of Jesus at the table, the Deacons will come to you and offer a piece of bread and a small cup of grape juice. Go ahead and eat the bread, drink the juice, and place the cup back in the tray that the Deacon holds. You are encouraged to spend this time in prayer to God.
Yes and no. We include a time to return to God part of the finances He has entrusted to our households. Some people give a strict 10% of their resources (which is a biblical concept of a tithe), while others give what they can. Some of us go through times when we can't give, but really need to receive. We encourage all who wish to be followers of Christ to begin this practice of giving as soon as they are able.
On average we worship just about an hour.
The rest of the day is intended for you and your family to rest and have fun; this is a day of Sabbath.